The rules on personal tax allowances changed in 2016. And the great news is that you may be able to backdate any claims up to 4 years!
We are currently assisting thousands of customers to re-claim the tax that is due to them.
HMRC only allow a certain amount of time to make your reclaim. So make sure that you act today and don’t lose out call us now on 01902 955253** to find out more.

Marriage Tax Allowance
- The marriage tax allowance lets you transfer £1,260 of your personal allowance (the amount you can earn tax free each tax year) to your spouse or civil partner if they earn more than you.
- Recent studies reveal that it’s estimated that over 2.4 million couples are missing out on this cash by not claiming what is rightfully theirs. If you are married or in a civil partnership you could easily qualify.
- If your claim is successful, it will lower the higher earner’s tax bill for the tax year, but you can also backdate your claim for a further four years.
- We can easily start your claim on a NO WIN NO FEE basis*, and there are no complex forms to complete.
- Start today and you could have your refund in as little as 6 weeks.

Can I Backdate My Marriage Tax Allowance Claim?
The Marriage Allowance is a helpful tax break for married couples, allowing them to save money on their taxes. But life can get complicated, like when couples go through a

The History of Marriage Tax Allowance
Marriage tax allowance may seem like a relatively new thing, but marriage taxes and marriage couples allowance have evolved over time. Back in 1990, taxes treated married couples as one.

The Complete Marriage Tax Allowance Refund Guide
How To Claim Your Marriage Tax Allowance Refund The UK government offers MarriageTax Allowance as a means to provide married couples or civil partners with extra financial support. This is

Personal Tax Allowances for 2023
Your tax-free Personal Allowance The standard Personal Allowance is £12,570, which is the amount of income you do not have to pay tax on. Income Tax rates and bands The

More Children Are Now Born to Unmarried Parents
In recent years, the traditional concept of marriage has been declining as more and more couples choose to start a family without getting married. The latest statistics from the Office